Showing posts with label Poll Tax. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poll Tax. Show all posts

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Dave Morris: Tottenham community activist and anarchist - a 70th anniversary retrospective

A celebration, and a look back at some activities, groups and campaigns over the decades

Footage from event on Saturday 30th March 2024 @ Lordship Hub N17 6NU

Films, Desert Island Discs, photo-display, speeches / music, info table - Hosted by the Friends of Lordship Rec

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2-8pm   Photo display [See photos at the end of this post]     

3-4pm   Dave's Desert Island Discs -

4-5pm   Open Mic for speeches/contributions -

6-8pm   Film Show - extracts from documentaries reflecting some activities/movements involved with eg. Glastonbury 1971, Torness protests, Stop ‘The City’, Poll Tax, McLibel, Sound Bites, Kingsnorth Climate Camp, Haringey Civic Centre occupation, HFRA/Community Action/housing, Lordship Rec, National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces, Spycops - -

[See recording below, and full links for each film at the end]

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Desert Island Discs interview session: 

On Vimeo* -

Contributions, thoughts and anecdotes from friends and comrades:

Piano / sax / singalong:

Film show session with Dave's thoughts:

On Vimeo* -

*You might be asked to sign up for a Vimeo paid-for account, but do not need to do that to watch the films. You may need to input your email address though.

[See below for links to the full films]

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Dave's Film Show List

The extracts used at Dave's film show session - reflecting some activities/movements involved with. Feel free to watch any of the documentary films in full.

--------  Glastonbury 1971: 

Play all to the very end (4.10s)

--------  Torness anti-nuclear power protests:   Play from 13.50secs to 15.40s    and 17.50 - 20.06secs...  

--------  Stop ‘The City’:

Play from start to 1.42s..  then 2.30-3.30s.  Then 4.30-5.50s. Then 7.20-8.45s...

--------  Poll Tax, especially Trafalgar Square Defendants Campaign:

Haringey overview (Tony Wood interview)  Play all (7.06s)

--------  McLibel Trial / Campaign:

The McLibel documentary, 2005  

Film is set so it can only be watched on the YouTube site and not here, so click on this link: 

Play from start to 4.41secs..   then 1hr to 1.05.55secs     Then 1.17.20secs to end

--------  Sound Bites vegan cookery video:
Play 9m-14m  - including my son Charlie and Tottenham kids with Benjamin Zephaniah.

--------  Kingsnorth climate camp:

[Note: the first link was missed out in the film showing session at Dave's 70th]
Great overview  (total 3.40 secs)  SHOW ALL

Show - I help protestors to defy the policing operation..  Start at 1.20s and play to 3.30s

--------  HFRA/Community Action:

Community Action part 1 .. Play from start to 7.24secs....

--------  Haringey Civic Centre occupation:...

In the chamber (use this)..  Play from Start to 2mins. Then 4min to 5.30m.

--------  Give Our Kids a Future demonstration:

0-1.35s    Then 6.00-10.26 (end)

--------  Our Tottenham - the launch

The launch. Play from start up to 3.23secs...  

--------  Friends of Lordship Rec:

[Note: the first link was missed out in the film showing session at Dave's 70th]
Our film!  Play from start to 1.38s. Then 2.25 - 6.15secs.. then 13.20secs to 15.10secs...  

BBC Countryfile piece.  Play from start to 6.10sec

--------  Michelle's resilient orchards on ITV

Play all - 2.36secs..

--------  Spycops Inquiry:
Play all..  3.51secs.  Dave briefly interviewed.

Photographs of photo displays at the event:

Saturday, May 13, 2023

London Greenpeace, McLibel, Poll Tax and local Community Action - Dave Morris reflects on nearly 50 years of activism (March 2023)

Dave Morris was invited by the Co-Directors of Greenpeace UK to do a talk/discussion on 30th March 2023 at their HQ. It was attended by 30 Greenpeace office staff and at least another 25 online.  He was asked to speak about his experiences and thoughts about the McLibel case and campaign, about London Greenpeace (which had been set up in 1971, 6 years before Greenpeace UK), and about his nearly 50 years as a community activist - mainly in Haringey.  

He was invited as Greenpeace UK are reviewing their priorities as an organisation and as part of that considering the importance of community organising and action, including by their local support groups. They also want to be more involved in and supportive of current wider movements.

Dave speaks for about 15 mins, followed by 45 minutes of questions and discussion. He was able to distribute paper copies of the original, inspirational Greenpeace Broadsheet produced by Peace News in 1971, a 4pp History of London Greenpeace, and information about the Friends of Parks movement across the UK (as he is currently the Chair of the National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces). A free youtube link to the McLibel 2005 documentary was circulated beforehand: 

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Poll Tax and the Battle of Trafalgar Square - 20 years on

Wednesday April 14th 2010 - 7.30pm
At the North London Community House. 22 Moorefield Road, London N17 [The old Postal Sorting Office]. All welcome.

*  Come along to hear about one of the largest and most successful grass-roots opposition movements of the 20th century in the UK
*  Exhibition of material/posters etc from the time
*  Film of the battle of Trafalgar Square
*  Rub shoulders with activists from all over London who were there!
*  Bring food to share..

What was it all about?  How was the campaign won?  What we can we learn from what was achieved?

An unfair and hated tax    

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

UK Anti-Poll Tax Movement 1988-1991

The Government had decided to implement a new tax on April 1st 1990 to replace local government taxation systems. They described as their most important, 'flagship' legislation. It was to be a 'poll tax' on each person rather than on households (as before).

It was immediately seen as a tax on the poor (who lived in more crowded conditions than the rich, obviously) and an extention of government powers over the population due to the need for registration of every individual. It had been introduced into Scotland the previous year to uproar, with massive defiance and popular independent local campaigns in every neighbourhood encouraging non-cooperation and non-payment. They were mostly up against Labour Party administrations (which dominated local government, including almost all working class communities). A majority were not paying.

Inspired by hatred of the government, of the tax, and by the inspirational grass-roots movement in Scotland, a mass movement grew up in every community in England in the build up to the implementation date, April 1st. As each local government authority set the poll tax level they hoped to collect from the local population there were huge and angry protest mobilisations at Town Halls all over the country.

A countrywide demonstration was planned for Central London on March 31st. I was heavily involved in the coordination of anti-poll tax groups in London and countrywide - my group - Tottenham Against the Poll Tax - was the secretarial group of the London Federation of Anti-Poll Tax Groups and I was the delegate Secretary of that Federation up till the autumn of 1989. I continued to be heavily invoved in countrywide communication and coordination activities.

On March 31st 1990 over 250,000 people participated in the demo, calling for mass non-payment and resistance to the tax. It was a carnival atmosphere. As the demonstration passed Thatcher's headquarters (Downing St) there was a confrontation with police, and it soon turned into a battle with mounted police and riot units. Eventually, Trafalgar Sq nearby became a battleground as thousands of people fought police for control of the square. As the police became more desperate and brutal the battle spread to nearby streets and throughout the main commercial streets in the West End. It went on for hours.

The media and politicians went hysterical, trying to deflect public anger (at the tax and at the repressive policing) against the 'irresponsible' anti-poll tax movement and the 'extremists' who fought the police. It was thought that the battle had been planned by the State to discredit the radical nature of the struggle (mass non-payment and street protests) and split the movement.

Up to 500 were arrested during and after the demo, and many charged with heavy charges. There were raids on dozens of activists homes over the next few weeks in a policing operation that was called 'Operation Carnaby'.

Defendants and supporters (including myself) set up the Trafalgar Square Defendants' Campaign which supported all those arrested and helped them fight their case, as well as campaigning for the whole anti-poll tax movement to back those arrested. And to demonstrate again in Trafalgar Sq in defiance of police calls to ban certain types of demos in Central London. All this we successfully did.

The stakes were very high. The repression was countered. The movement stayed united and defiant. Public support increased after the demo. By the following year 18 million were refusing to pay the tax. Thatcher resigned, largely as a result of the damage to her credibility and strategy over the poll tax fiasco. And a few days before an anniversary demo at Trafalgar Sq the next March, PM John Major announced that the tax was uncollectable and would be scrapped.

Dave Morris
North London

How residents defeated the Poll Tax in Haringey, and countrywide.. (1988-1993)

An unfair and hated tax

In the late 1980s the Government had decided to implement a new tax to replace local government taxation systems. It was immediately seen as a tax on the poor, and an extension of government powers over the population. The government named it the 'Community Charge', but protestors dubbed it 'the Poll Tax', drawing parallels with the legendary Poll Tax mass uprisings in 1381 which successfully defeated the idea for 600 years!

Mass opposition

It was first introduced into Scotland in 1988, causing uproar, massive defiance, and popular independent local campaigns in every neighbourhood encouraging non-cooperation and non-payment. A majority refused to pay.

Inspired by hatred of the government after the long industrial battles with miners and printworkers in the mid-1980s, and inspired by Scotland, a mass movement grew up in every community in England in the build up to the registration procedure (1989) and the implementation date of April 1st 1990.

Organised resistance throughout Haringey

Haringey was one of the first areas in England to launch a strong campaign. In 1988 independent and radical activists called for mass non-payment and defiance of the tax. 30 residents attended the first planning meeting at the Unwaged Centre in Tottenham and very quickly the campaign spread like wildfire. Many local anti-poll tax groups met weekly or fortnightly, co-ordinated through delegate meetings of Haringey Anti-Poll Tax Union.

The next 4 years saw possibly the most vibrant, sustained and uncompromising mass popular movement in Haringey's, and the UK's, history. This is some of what happened:

· simultaneous weekly street stalls all around the borough
· regular mass door-to-door leafleting calling for total non-cooperation with registration, payment, court notices and eventually bailiffs.. over half a million leaflets and window posters distributed in Haringey alone (including all 90,000 homes getting a leaflet/poster on the eve of the implementation of the tax).
· a network of over a dozen smaller neighbourhood groups and up to 500 street reps
· regular public meetings, including one with 1,000 people in Hornsey Town Hall
· many local pickets, protests, burning of forms, 2 or 3 marches and a mass rally of 1000 people blockading the Civic Centre and the road outside on the night the Council set the tax rate - the highest in Britain!
· organised and systematic back up support for people facing threats, fines, bailiffs and even imprisonment
· trade union opposition to the tax, in some cases refusing to implement aspects of the process
· constant efforts to link up effectively with other campaigns around London and the whole country. Haringey groups played a key role in developing London and national initiatives, communication and solidarity.

As a result, 50,000 Haringey adults refused to register at all, and eventually 97,000 refused to pay despite the whole range of threats and intimidation from the Council and the Courts.

Co-ordination and protest across the country

In early 1989 Tottenham Against the Poll Tax was the main group behind a London-wide meeting which led to the setting up of the London Federation of Anti-Poll Tax Groups - TAPT was elected as the secretarial group. Later that year HAPTU initiated and co-ordinated a national conference in London attended by 70 APTs and Federations, who continued to work closely together to ensure communication & co-ordination across the country.

On March 31st 1990, the day before the tax was to be implemented, over 200 Haringey residents met up at Turnpike Lane tube to travel together to join over 250,000 people marching through Central London calling for mass non-payment and resistance to the tax. It was a carnival atmosphere. As the demonstration passed Thatcher's headquarters (Downing St) there was a confrontation with police, and it soon turned into a battle with mounted police and riot units. Eventually, Trafalgar Sq became a battleground as thousands of people fought police for control of the square and the area around it. The anti-poll tax movement gained world-wide coverage.

Up to 500 activists from all over the UK (including Haringey) were arrested during and after the demo, and many faced heavy charges. Politicians and the media attacked the anti-poll tax movement. The police called for a ban on such demos. However, HAPTU and other independent groups helped set up the defendant-run Trafalgar Square Defendants' Campaign which supported all those arrested and helped them fight their cases, as well as campaigning for the anti-poll tax movement to back those arrested. Initial meetings were held in the Tottenham Unwaged Centre. It was a very strong and significant campaign, including a solidarity march of 3,500 people to Brixton prison to support poll tax prisoners there and around the country.

18 million refuse to pay, and Thatcher resigns

The stakes were very high. Gradually the whole movement backed the campaign, and their call to demonstrate again in Trafalgar Sq. This uncompromising and principled stance echoed the continuing public defiance of the tax. The movement stayed united and defiant, and public support increased.

By the following year 18 million were refusing to pay the tax. Thatcher resigned, largely as a result of the damage to her credibility and strategy over the poll tax fiasco. The new Prime Minister John Major eventually announced that the tax was uncollectable and would be scrapped - to be replaced by the current Council Tax.

However, the movement needed to continue in order to defend those facing threats and repressive measures for the next few years. This we did in Haringey. The main Haringey groups decided to develop into general Solidarity Groups, continuing poll tax work as part of a commitment to support a wide range of independent radical struggles and local initiatives. The groups eventually merged into Haringey Solidarity Group, which has continued to be active ever since.

The aftermath

This historic victory showed that:

- the right to public services shouldn’t depend on systematic robbery of working class people of their income
- any oppressive law or measure can be defied and defeated by mass non-cooperation
- grass roots self-organisation with public support can be inspirational and an unstoppable force for change
- the right to protest can be defended
- radical ideas and ways of working do not need to be marginal, but can be mainstream and a real alternative to electoral politics

There is also the power of collective folk-memory, even across 6 centuries, that an unjust measure can be beaten. That demonstrates the importance of celebrating our radical history.

This summary has mainly been drawn from the pamphlet 'The Poll Tax Rebellion In Haringey' which was written and published collectively by members of Haringey Solidarity Group in 1999