Sat, 12 Nov 2016, 09:00 – Sun, 13 Nov 2016, 17:00
Resource For London
356 Holloway Road
N7 6PA
""Land plays a central but unmentioned role in our country today: widening inequality, a chronic housing crisis, dysfunctional food system, poor public health and impending climate disasters. We want to bring people together to talk about how land ownership and control is central to all these issues. Together we can unite to fight for the changes we need.
Land For What? is a collaborative space for learning about and challenging the way land is owned, controlled and used in the UK and beyond.
Join us on 12th and 13th November for a participatory weekend of learning, thinking and planning practical action.
Saturday will provide an in depth insight into where we are and how we got here. The sessions will be looking at a range of the current struggles we're facing including housing, food & farming, public space, environment and community. We'll be understanding their history, interrogating their causes as well as looking at the projects and tools that have been used to combat them.
'English Land History', 'Learning from Scotland', 'The Colonial Legacy', 'Land Economics' and 'Land Rights' are just a few of the sessions that will be available on Saturday.
Sunday will be focusing on the questions:
how do we challenge the status quo and what future do we want?
Discussing our visions we will be looking at education, campaigns, coalitions, collaboration, legislation, taxation,
transparency, direct action and anything else that will push us forward in our campaign to make land a common resource for all. We will also be exploring future activities, strategy and governance for Land for What?
Land for What? is hosted by Community Food Growers Network, Just Space, Landworkers’ Alliance, London Community Neighbourhood Co-operative, New Economics Foundation, London Quaker Houing, Radical Housing Network, Shared Assets and Three Acres And A Cow.
transparency, direct action and anything else that will push us forward in our campaign to make land a common resource for all. We will also be exploring future activities, strategy and governance for Land for What?
Land for What? is hosted by Community Food Growers Network, Just Space, Landworkers’ Alliance, London Community Neighbourhood Co-operative, New Economics Foundation, London Quaker Houing, Radical Housing Network, Shared Assets and Three Acres And A Cow.
We are committed to making this event as accessible as possible. Those with young children are more than welcome to bring their children into the sessions and we will be providing childcare on site for those who would prefer their children to be less involved. The venue is completely wheelchair accessible with disabled toilets.""
More at:
Previously on this blog:
2. [Reminder and Update]
Leading figures from the left, trade union, environmental and peace movements are coming together at a conference on November 26th with a fresh perspective on tackling current crises, using the ideas of socially useful production pioneered in the Lucas Plan. The Plan, produced by workers at the Lucas Aerospace arms company, showed how jobs could be saved by converting to make products that answer a social need, rather than weapons.
See [1], or the notes below for more information on the Lucas Plan.
The conference will focus on 5 key themes:
* The Lucas Plan and socially useful production.
* Arms conversion and peace.
* Climate change and a socially just transition to sustainability.
* The threat to skills and livelihoods from automation.
* Local/community economic and industrial planning.
Linking all these issues is the need to rethink how we can produce what people and society actually need and overcome corporate domination through their control of technology.
Highlights of the conference will include:
* Talks by Phil Asquith, Brian Salisbury and Mick Cooney (Lucas Aerospace Shop Stewards Combine).
* Screening of a new film on the Lucas Plan by Steve Sprung.
* Contributions from: Chris Baugh (PCS), Suzanne Jeffery (Million Climate Jobs Campaign), Hilary Wainwright (Red Pepper), John McDonnell (tbc), Natalie Bennett, Molly Scott-Cato and Jonathan Essex (Green Party), Philip Pearson (TUC), Romayne Phoenix (People's Assembly Against Austerity), Mary Pearson (Birmingham Trades Council), Manuel Cortes (TSSA, tbc), Mika Mino-Paluello (Global Justice Now), Philippa Hands (UNISON), Stuart Parkinson (Scientists for Global Responsibility), Dave Elliott (Open University), Liz Corbin (Institute of Making), Tony Simpson (Bertrand Russell Foundation), Dave King (Breaking the Frame), Simon Fairlie (The Land magazine), Karen Leach (Localise West Midlands), Marisol Sandoval (City University), Tom Unterrainer (Bertrand Russell Foundation), John Middleton (Medact), Gail Chester (Feminist Library), plus more speakers to be announced.
The conference on the Lucas Plan 40th anniversary will be held at
Birmingham Voluntary Service Council (138 Digbeth, Birmingham, B5 6DR)
on November 26, 2016.
The conference will focus on 5 key themes:
* The Lucas Plan and socially useful production.
* Arms conversion and peace.
* Climate change and a socially just transition to sustainability.
* The threat to skills and livelihoods from automation.
* Local/community economic and industrial planning.
Linking all these issues is the need to rethink how we can produce what people and society actually need and overcome corporate domination through their control of technology.
Highlights of the conference will include:
* Talks by Phil Asquith, Brian Salisbury and Mick Cooney (Lucas Aerospace Shop Stewards Combine).
* Screening of a new film on the Lucas Plan by Steve Sprung.
* Contributions from: Chris Baugh (PCS), Suzanne Jeffery (Million Climate Jobs Campaign), Hilary Wainwright (Red Pepper), John McDonnell (tbc), Natalie Bennett, Molly Scott-Cato and Jonathan Essex (Green Party), Philip Pearson (TUC), Romayne Phoenix (People's Assembly Against Austerity), Mary Pearson (Birmingham Trades Council), Manuel Cortes (TSSA, tbc), Mika Mino-Paluello (Global Justice Now), Philippa Hands (UNISON), Stuart Parkinson (Scientists for Global Responsibility), Dave Elliott (Open University), Liz Corbin (Institute of Making), Tony Simpson (Bertrand Russell Foundation), Dave King (Breaking the Frame), Simon Fairlie (The Land magazine), Karen Leach (Localise West Midlands), Marisol Sandoval (City University), Tom Unterrainer (Bertrand Russell Foundation), John Middleton (Medact), Gail Chester (Feminist Library), plus more speakers to be announced.
The conference on the Lucas Plan 40th anniversary will be held at
Birmingham Voluntary Service Council (138 Digbeth, Birmingham, B5 6DR)
on November 26, 2016.
The conference is being organised and sponsored by: former members of the Lucas Aerospace Shop Stewards Combine, Breaking the Frame, PCS, UCU, Million Climate Jobs Campaign, Green Party, Scientists for Global Responsibility, Campaign Against Arms Trade, CND, Left Unity, Quaker Peace and Social Witness, Red Pepper, War on Want and Conference of Socialist Economists
Tickets are £10/£5 concessions: To book for the conference, visit
Tickets are £10/£5 concessions: To book for the conference, visit
For more information, email
BACKGROUND INFO: The Lucas Aerospace Shop Stewards Combine's Alternative Corporate Plan ('The Lucas Plan') was launched in 1976 and became famous worldwide, sparking an international movement for socially useful production and workers' plans. Facing the threat of redundancies, the Combine collected 150 ideas from shop floor workers about alternative socially useful products that could be produced by the company, instead
of relying on military orders. Many of the innovations in the plan, such as hybrid car engines, heat pumps and wind turbines were commercially viable and are now in widespread use. Although the Alternative Plan was rejected by Lucas Aerospace managers, it was instrumental in protecting jobs at Lucas in the 1970s. The Combine was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and Mike Cooley received the Right Livelihood Award in 1982. More information about the Plan, including the 53-page summary of the five 200 page volumes, can be found on the conference website,
3. Remembering Centerprise, Saturday 26 November 2016, 11- 4 p.m.
BACKGROUND INFO: The Lucas Aerospace Shop Stewards Combine's Alternative Corporate Plan ('The Lucas Plan') was launched in 1976 and became famous worldwide, sparking an international movement for socially useful production and workers' plans. Facing the threat of redundancies, the Combine collected 150 ideas from shop floor workers about alternative socially useful products that could be produced by the company, instead
of relying on military orders. Many of the innovations in the plan, such as hybrid car engines, heat pumps and wind turbines were commercially viable and are now in widespread use. Although the Alternative Plan was rejected by Lucas Aerospace managers, it was instrumental in protecting jobs at Lucas in the 1970s. The Combine was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and Mike Cooley received the Right Livelihood Award in 1982. More information about the Plan, including the 53-page summary of the five 200 page volumes, can be found on the conference website,
3. Remembering Centerprise, Saturday 26 November 2016, 11- 4 p.m.
On the Record are hosting a free, all-day event at Hackney Museum to celebrate the end of their project: A Hackney Autobiography: Remembering Centerprise
Hackney Museum, Ground floor, Learning & Technology Centre, 1 Reading Lane, Hackney, E8 1GQ
Tour the exhibition at Hackney Museum: People Power: Black British Arts and Activism which includes some of the Centerprise archive.
Take part in discussions, perform in a Centerprise inspired open mic and enjoy free refreshments.
If you have not already registered and would like to attend, please email
11am – 11.30 Welcoming words (including from co-founder of Centerprise Margaret Gosley)
11.30-12.00 Tours of exhibition by curator, Niti Acharya
11:45 – 12:45 Panel Discussion 1 – Education and Centerprise, past and present
12:45 pm- 13:45 Lunch provided / Tours of exhibition by curator, Niti Acharya
13:45 – 14:45 Panel Discussion 2 – The legacy of Centerprise
14:45 – 3:30 Open mic: performances and readings from Centerprise and beyond.
3.30 - 4.00 Plenary discussion: have the final word on A Hackney Autobiography.
*** All day: coffee and snacks available, in learning room only***
Call-out for the open mic! It would be a great help to On the Record and the MC, Bernadette Halpin, if you would agree to step up and entertain for the common good - or you could nominate an acquaintance or colleague who you would like to see read/perform and put us in touch with them. Let us know if you have a piece of writing in mind which you don't have access to.
Please register your interest in the open mic by emailing us:
A Hackney Autobiography's forthcoming app and book will be launched separately in early 2017.
Previously on this blog:
And elsewhere:
Somewhere In Hackney - a 1980 film about Centerprise bookshop and other radical projects...
Centerprise's radical mailboxes - on the diverse radical groups which used the shop...
Centerprise, An Phoblacht and a suspect package - the amusing tale of a bomb scare
4. Launch of a Socialist History Society Occasional Publication
Killing Communists in Havana: The Start of the Cold War in Latin America
Speaker: Steve
Cushion, Author of
History Society Public Meeting
26th November 2016 2.00pm
Clerkenwell Green EC1R 0DU (nearest tube
"The Cold War
started early in Cuba, with anti-communist purges of the trade unions already
under way by 1947. Corruption and government intervention succeeded in removing
the left-wing leaders of many unions but, in those sectors where this approach
failed, gunmen linked to the ruling party shot and killed a dozen leading trade
union militants, including the General Secretary of the Cuban Sugar Workers'
Based on
material from the Cuban archives and confidential US State Department files,
this SHS Occasional Publication will examine the activities of the US
government, the Mafia and the American Federation of Labor, as well as corrupt
Cuban politicians and local gangsters, in this early episode of the Cold War."
And a whole bunch from WCML - Working Class Movement Library,
51 The Crescent, Salford, M5 4WX
Invisible Histories talk
And a whole bunch from WCML - Working Class Movement Library,
51 The Crescent, Salford, M5 4WX
Invisible Histories talk
The final free talk in our autumn series is on Wednesday 23 November at 2pm.
Malcolm Pittock Alfred
Evans, WW1 conscientious objector.
Veteran Bolton peace campaigner Malcolm will talk about his uncle Alfred Evans,
one of the conscientious objectors taken to France in 1916, court martialled
for refusing to fight and sentenced to death although that sentence was then
commuted. The talk will include sound recordings of Alfred speaking about
his experiences and about what motivated his stand.
Radical Readings and Salford Stories fundraiser
Thanks to everyone who has
already booked a ticket for our fundraiser at the University of Salford on Sunday 27 November at 2pm
with Christopher Eccleston, Sheila Hancock, Julie Hesmondhalgh, Mike Joyce and
Maxine Peake. Although the initial run of tickets sold out in three days flat,
we have been able to put some more on sale, and there may well be a final
tranche which will go on sale nearer to the day. If you don't have a
ticket and you are not already on the waiting list, it might be worth adding
your name...
Shelagh Delaney's work has inspired the
young people of this generation to tell their stories of the ever-changing
landscape of Salford as a collection of real life thoughts and feelings. This
will be performed as part of the Shelagh Delaney Day celebrations at Salford
Arts Theatre on Friday
25 November at 7.30pm, along with a live radio play written by
Shelagh Delaney herself. Tickets price £8 and more information here.
Salford Arts Theatre, Kemsing Walk, Salford M5 4BS.
Salford Arts Theatre, Kemsing Walk, Salford M5 4BS.
Voting for Change - Wikipedia edit-a-thon
The Library
and the People's History Museum are working together to acquire
material related to the fight for the vote, from the Peterloo
protest in 1819 to lowering the voting age in 1969. We need your help to share
knowledge of these significant moments in British history and invite you to
come along to the Library and spend a day researching and editing Wikipedia.
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