Memorial for peace and justice
campaigner Hetty Bower 1905-2013
Friday 3 October • 7-9 p.m. • Conway Hall, • 25 Red Lion Square,
London WC1R 4RL • Contact:
"Starting early in World War I and continuing for the next 99 years, she was active in peace and disarmament movements, progressive political parties, social justice campaigns, women's, workers', children's and pensioners' rights, international co-operation, progressive theatre and cinema, education and health, especially the NHS."
1. [Reminder] Celebrating Alice Wheeldon Friday 3 October • 7-9 p.m. • Conway Hall, • 25 Red Lion Square,
London WC1R 4RL • Contact:
"Starting early in World War I and continuing for the next 99 years, she was active in peace and disarmament movements, progressive political parties, social justice campaigns, women's, workers', children's and pensioners' rights, international co-operation, progressive theatre and cinema, education and health, especially the NHS."
7.30 – 9.30pm, Thursday 2 October 2014
Chloe Mason – the great granddaughter of socialist, pacifist, suffragist and second-hand clothes dealer Alice Wheeldon, imprisoned in 1917 for the alleged attempted murder of Lloyd George – will also be joining us to talk about the campaign to clear Alice’s name, as well as that of Alice’s daughter Winnie and son-in-law Alfred Mason (who were convicted alongside her). Free event. All welcome.
Hosted by Peace News.
‘The World is My Country’ is a major Peace News project,
a visual celebration
of the people and movements who opposed the First World War.
Thursday 2 October
‘An evening celebrating First World War resister Alice Wheeldon’. With Alice Wheeldon’s great grandaughter Chloe Mason; and PN’s Emily Johns and Gabriel Carlyle. 7.30pm, Torriano Meeting House, 99 Torriano Avenue.
Saturday 25 October
‘Feminist opponents of the First World War’. With Emily & Gabriel. At the Feminism inLondon conference (£30/£15). Institute of Education, Bedford Way.
Saturday 1 November
‘The World is My Country’. With Emily & Gabriel. Details tbc. 6 Church St.
‘The World is My Country’. With Emily & Gabriel. Details tbc.
Friday 28 November
Fourth Friday at the Poetry Cafe. ‘The World is My Country’. With Alan Brownjohn, Anna Robinson, Krysia Mansfield, Dan Kennedy and Mererid Hopwood. 8pm. 22 Betterton Street, Covent Garden.
More info: PN, 020 278 3344;
Douglas Newton will be
discussing WW1 and his new book 'The Darkest Days: The Truth
Behind Britain's Rush to War, 1914' @ the Bishopsgate Institute in London on
23rd September. The book is excellent (read an excerpt here) and he's an excellent speaker (he ran a
session at this year's Peace News Summer Camp). He'll be joined by
Vron Ware and Joe Glenton in the discussion afterwards.
"The centenary of the
outbreak of the First World War gives us much to contemplate and reflect on. Is
it time though to question the standard account of Britain’s choice for war?
Did Britain go to war for the future of the British Empire and not for Belgium
or democracy?
In his new book The
Darkest Days, historian Douglas Newton uncovers how key figures rushed
the nation into war against vehement opposition in parliament, the press and in
the streets. Do today’s military adventures – and the movements that oppose
them – suggest we have learned anything from our past? Douglas Newton will be
joined in discussion with Dr Vron Ware (Open University) and Joe Glenton
(journalist and author of Soldier Box). The event will be chaired by Daniel
Trilling (Editor, New Humanist). "
Tickets are available here.
3. May we invite you to Derby to
Celebrate the Resisters: The War within WW1
Adam Hochschild
22nd October, Quad Arts
Tickets £5.00 (£4.00)
4. [Reminder, previously posted]
On Saturday 20 September the 2014 peace
history lecture takes place at the Friends' Meeting House, Manchester.
In No Glory in War: noble cause or capitalist adventure? John
Westmoreland, Head of History, York College, will propose alternative views to
challenge the inevitability of was as the means to resolve conflict.
The lecture begins at 2pm, with stalls to browse and
refreshments from 1.30pm; there is also the option of a guided tour of
Manchester Peace and Social Justice Trail 10.30am-12 noon. Tickets price
£5 in advance, £8 on the door - email or phone 0161 273 8283.
Truce tours at IWM North - Mondays,
Tuesdays and Sundays in September at 3.30pm
Join a free 20 minute Closer Look tour around the Museum
reflecting on individual stories, including those who were Conscientious
Objectors in the First and Second World Wars, and the idea of truce and
conflict resolution and the causes and consequences of conflict.
5. More to come in Manchester, in November: watch this blog.
"We have an active ‘Real WWI’-type group up here in
Manchester. You can find out news and events at our website at
Our main forthcoming event
is our World War I Day School on Saturday 15 November 2014- all welcome!"
And as previously posted:
The 3 next London Remembering the Real World War I group meetings will be taking place on
Thursday September 18
Thursday October 16
and Thursday November 6
all from 7.30 until 9.00 pm, at
88 Fleet St
The 3 next London Remembering the Real World War I group meetings will be taking place on
Thursday September 18
Thursday October 16
and Thursday November 6
all from 7.30 until 9.00 pm, at
88 Fleet St

See also: