Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Past, Present And Future Of RADICAL PAMPHLETEERING

For centuries radical activists have had to self-publish to spread radical ideas which challenge the status quo and call for a better world. Often we have had to overcome lack of funds, access to printing, or even repression. Nevertheless countless millions of informative and inspirational leaflets, pamphlets, posters and newsletters have been distributed. Throughout history groups, campaigns and movements have been determined to speak out and present an alternative. How has this been achieved, and how are the methods changing today? And what can we foresee for the future?

"Pamphlets, Libels and Rhymes: strange confused tumults of the minde"
By Axel (past tense)

- A  rough overview of early pamphlets from the 14th century onwards, and their uses and significance
- Personal relationship to radical pamphlets and their specific attractions and value
- Some thoughts on whether the printed agitational pamphlet is doomed in the age of the internet

Radical publishing in the 20th Century, particularly in Haringey since the 1980s
Some thoughts and examples/samples from Dave of Haringey Solidarity Group   

Feminist self-publishing since the 1970s
Some thoughts from Gail, Hackney activist

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