for different dates and places
in no particular order.
Scroll down to see the lot.
Some previously notified at previous listings post.
13th October 2018
Paupers, Priests &
Progressives: A
Personal History of the Salvation Army
Captain Josh Selfe
Josh, Captain of the Leytonstone
Salvation Army, reflects on 150 years of his family’s links with the movement.
From Auxiliary-Captain John Strong, ‘The Cornish Devil Driver’, one of the
Army’s first officers in the 1870s, to the alcoholic coal miners and tanners of
the Selfe family raised from poverty by the charity’s work in Bristol’s
slums. From Commissioner Cooper, a progressive reformer of the
organisation in the 1960s through to the modern day work of Salvationists
throughout the world. The talk will finish by contemplating how the
principles and aims of the Salvation Army, its DNA so to speak, should manifest
themselves in the 21st century, especially in Leytonstone.---------------------------------------
10th November 2018
Lest We Forget: Cycling the Iron
Curtain – The
Borders of a Divided Europe
Katherine and Tom Marshall
20th century was dominated by the divisiveness of two world wars,
culminating in the East/West division of the Iron Curtain. To keep the memory
alive, the German Green MEP, Michael Cramer, created a cycle trail that follows
the path of the Iron Curtain for nearly 8,000kms through 20 countries from the
Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea. Tom and Katherine Marshall have been riding
sections of this route each year since 2014 and will share their experience of
the pain the wall caused, how different countries contributed to its fall, and
the museums, art and monuments erected to keep the memory alive. They will show
many vivid slides of their remarkable journeys."
0208 555 5248All welcome. Free entry
Buffet 8pm Talk
West St E11 4LJ
Saturday 8th December 2018
Saturday 8th December 2018
7.30 for 8pm
Epicentre, West St E11 4LJ
How Far Away Are We from a World Free of Nuclear Weapons? Speaker: Stephanie Clark
The world has lived with the threat of nuclear war for over 70 years. A historic breakthrough was achieved in 2017 with the UN’s Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Confronted, meanwhile, by global instability and nuclear-armed superpowers vying for control, where does our common security lie? Do our nuclear weapons keep us safe? Do those of other countries keep them safe? Or do they risk Armageddon for all on our planet? And what should we do about them? But it’s coming up to Christmas so Stephanie will be approaching this most serious of subjects, opening up discussion & challenging our thinking through a festive quiz. An opportunity to have some fun together and also consider the prospects for a world free of nuclear weapons. Stephanie is secretary of Tower Hamlets CND and a volunteer school speaker for CND’s Peace Education programme.
New Anarchist Research Group - New Season
Saturday 27 October 2018 2:00pm-4:30pm (Mayday Rooms, 88 Fleet St.*)
Saturday 24 November 2018 2:00pm-4:30 pm (MayDay Rooms*)
New Anarchist Research Group - New Season
Saturday 27 October 2018 2:00pm-4:30pm (Mayday Rooms, 88 Fleet St.*)
From Pissarro to Provo and Beyond: Art and Anarchism
Martyn Everett
What is the relationship between Art and Anarchism? Who are the
anarchist artists? Why have many artists declared themselves anarchists?
What are anarchist themes and anarchist aesthetics in art? Should art be
just a weapon in the social struggle, or should the ideals of “everyone an
artist” and “education through art” be among the defining
principles of a new society? An illustrated talk followed by discussion.
Martyn Everett is a member of the New Anarchist Research Group and the
Unite Community He is an occasional contributor to a variety of anarchist
magazines and the author of War and Revolution: the Hungarian
anarchist movement in WW1 and the Budapest Commune, 1919, and also
'Art as a Weapon: Franz Siewert and the Cologne Progressives'.
Saturday 24 November 2018 2:00pm-4:30 pm (MayDay Rooms*)
Performing Utopia / Reclaiming the Public Sphere
Nesreen N Hussein
After the January 2011 revolution in Egypt, Tahrir Square, the central
piece of urban landscape in Cairo that became stage to grassroots political
movements, eventually fell back into the grip of the state. And with it, the
position and accessibility of public space as a site of protest became in flux.
Since the military takeover of July 2013, mass protests are being quickly
suppressed. The increasing state control over Tahrir Square and the surrounding
area, in addition to the protest law introduced in November 2013 that restrains
freedom of assembly led to thousands of protesters being detained, severely
restricting participation in public demonstrations.1 However, when streets and
squares became inaccessible, certain artists in Egypt worked to find
alternative ways to reclaim the public space, and with it, their authorship of
the narrative of history that’s being rewritten by the state. By doing so, the
artists through their work created spaces of resistance that lead to
reanimating the public sphere. Building on Ernst Bloch and Paul Ricœur’s
notions of ‘utopia’, and drawing on examples of works of performance and visual
arts in Egypt today, this paper seeks to demonstrate how those works and the
creative strategies underpinning them form interventions that challenge the
dominant narratives surrounding the current sociopolitical landscape in Egypt
at a time when its social and political histories are being gradually
Dr Nesreen N. Hussein is a performance maker, researcher and Lecturer in
Contemporary Theatre at Middlesex University, London. Her current research
focuses on performance, politics, and activism, in relation to issues of
agency, identity and belonging. She has published widely on this topic, in
addition to delivering a number of conference papers and invited talks
internationally. In 2011, she was awarded the Helsinki Essay Prize and the New
Scholars’ Prize from the International Federation for Theatre Research (IFTR).
Nesreen has worked internationally with a number of theatre companies,
directors and design studios as a performer, designer, and puppet maker. She
currently creates and devises performance with particular interest in exploring
identity, mobility, and the city.
* Our meetings are held in the MayDay Rooms, 88 Fleet
Street, London EC4Y 1DH
London Socialist Historians Group
Greenery and Greed: the Loss of Natural London
Organised by LivingMaps Network in partnership with the Institute of Advanced Studies University College London.
Talk by Bob Gilbert.
Wednesday November 21st 18.00- 20.00
IAS Forum, Room G17 South Wing at University College London,
Gower Street WC1E 6BT
The event is free but must be booked on Eventbrite.
The greenery of London, its parks and gardens, its woods and wild places and its wonderful collection of street trees, is one of the city’s most valuable and distinctive attributes. But it did not happen by chance. Nearly every open space has, at some time in its history, been campaigned for, argued over or fought for, sometime literally, whilst many of its street trees were the result of a radical, and sometimes controversial, civic movement. Bob Gilbert will detail some of the forces that went into creating a 'green London', as well as those that are now threatening to undo it. As well as the increasing commercialisation and privatisation of our open spaces and the outsourcing of park and tree care, he explores the more insidious influences that have contributed to a massive decline in urban biodiversity. Illustrated by stories along the way, such as the relationship between sparrows and poverty and why the plane tree was a symbol of the people's London, Bob's talk will also seek to identify signs of a hopeful counter-culture; of guerrilla gardening, community orchards, Tree Musketeers -and the idea of a truly integrated city shared by a multiplicity of species.
Bob’s varied career has included stand-up comedian, community worker, Head of a residential field studies centre and Director of Sustainability at a London local authority. He has also travelled widely including walking glaciers in Kashmir and a solo journey by mule down the Dinder River in the Sudan. He has been a long-standing campaigner for inner city conservation, for the protection and improvement of urban open spaces and also served as chair of ‘The Garden Classroom’, a charity that promotes environmental education in London. His publications include ‘The Kings Cross Cut; A City Canal and its Community’, ‘On Spectacle and Species’ (in Mark Perryman’s ‘London 2012; How Was It for Us’) and ‘The Green London Way’, republished in 2012 in a completely revised edition. His new book 'Ghost Trees', exploring the relationship between history and natural history in a London parish, was published last month. He has also written extensively for newspapers and magazines and his column on urban wildlife has now been running continuously in a north London paper for over 20 years. Bob lives in the East End of London with his family, a retired greyhound and several chickens.
===================== London Socialist Historians Group
Newsletter 65 (Autumn 2018) now online
The latest issue of the LSHG
Newsletter is now online, featuring Keith
Flett on 1968, John
Newsinger reviewing a work on evangelical Christians in Trump's
America and a
review of Martin Empson's popular work 'Kill All the Gentlemen'.
There is also notice
of a new book edited by Michael Rosen, Workers' Tales.
Letters, articles, criticisms and contributions to debate are most welcome. The
deadline for the next issue is 1 December 2018 - please contact Keith Flett on
the address above. The LSHG receive no official funding and rely entirely
on supporters for money for our activities. To become a member of the LSHG
(cost £10) - please again contact Keith. A reminder of our seminar
programme is below.
All seminars will take place in Room 304 (third floor) at
5.30pm in the Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, Malet Street,
London WC1E 7HU and entry is free without ticket although donations are
welcome. Monday 8 October Rupa Huq MP: from lecture room to Parliament: ‘From theory to practice : the difficulties of transitioning from teaching society and politics in the lecture hall/seminar to “doing “ it in Parliament.”
Monday 22 October Marika Sherwood: The beginning of the Cold War in Ghana (Gold Coast) in 1948
Monday 5 November John Newsinger: The Other Spirit of '45: War, Empire and the Attlee Governments
Monday 19 November Daryl Leeworthy Labour Country: Social Democracy's Roots and Possibilities.
Monday 3 December Keith Flett. 50 years since the Pelican paperback of The Making of the English Working Class. Still relevant?
Conway Hall Ethical Society presents: Victorian Blogging – Writing Wrongs
Wednesday 31st October @ 7:00
pm - Wednesday 5th December
These talks are free. Please
register for talks by clicking on the links below. BOOK NOW
Speakers: Prof. Joad Raymond, Dr Joseph Kelly, Dr Gregory Claeys, Prof. David Nash, Deborah Lavin & Viv Regan. Presented by Conway Hall Ethical Society and curated by Deborah Lavin.
This series of talks is part of the Heritage Lottery-funded project Victorian Blogging that will see our collection of over 1,300 nineteenth-century pamphlets digitised and made freely available online.
Forgotten at the back of dusty desk drawers, foxed in crumbling box-files on library shelves, these pamphlets disguise themselves as insubstantial ephemera of little consequence, but their flimsy pages and the words they contain have proved to be quite the opposite — the catalyst igniting revolutions, overthrowing governments, and altering the course of history. These talks reflect some of the myriad issues covered in our pamphlet collection including women’s rights, slavery, socialism, blasphemy laws and the parallels between these Victorian pamphleteers and contemporary bloggers.
Wednesdays, 31 October–5 December
2018, 19:00–20:30
31 October | Brockway Room The First Resort: Pamphleteering and Politics in Early Modern Britain
Prof. Joad Raymond charts the rise of the pamphlet as a method to communicate alternative political ideas and challenge power in early modern Britain.
7 November | Brockway Room
The Elimination of Slavery from
the Whole World: Problems of Anti-Slavery in Victorian BritainDr Joseph Kelly examines the problems faced by the slavery abolition movement in Britain after the 1830s in their efforts to eliminate slavery from the face of the earth.
14 November | Library* Marx, Morris and Utopia
Dr Gregory Claeys considers whether, despite Marxism’s well-known rejection of earlier utopian socialism, Karl Marx might be termed a utopian thinker, and how some of his ideas were adapted but also built upon by the English socialist William Morris.
21 November | Brockway Room Blasphemy, the Individual and the State: From Historical Flashpoint to Contemporary Grievance
Prof. David Nash traces the long battle to abolish the Blasphemy Laws in England, from the seventeenth century to their abolition in 2008 and how the concept of blasphemy affects us all today.
28 November | Library* Annie Besant and the Liberal, Radical, Socialist and Feminist Opposition to Birth Control in the Nineteenth Century
Deborah Lavin reveals how whilst opposition to contraception may have been blinkered and bigoted, it was also often liberal, radical, socialist and feminist.
5 December | Brockway Room The End of the Wild World Web? Internet Freedom in the Twenty-First Century
Viv Regan of Spiked will explore the threats to open debate and blogging online and discuss what has happened to the lost promise of internet freedom.
Deborah Lavin is an independent historian particularly interested in the conflicts between radicals and socialists in the nineteenth century. At Conway Hall, she has given various talks, mostly on issues connected to Charles Bradlaugh, Annie Besant and Karl Marx; she has also curated several talks series, most recently The British Business of Slavery and Stop the First World War.
"Telling the
Mayflower Story, Thanksgiving or Land Grabbing, Massacres & Slavery?"
by Danny Reilly and Steve Cushion.
Fri 30 November
UCL Institute of
the Americas
51 Gordon Square
London WC1H 0PN
In the autumn of
1620 the ship Mayflower, with 102 passengers, landed in North America and
started the colonisation of the area that became known as New England. The
Mayflower had landed in a region where the Sachem of the local Wampanoag Nation
was Massasoit, who subsequently helped them survive. In the autumn of 1676,
following the defeat of a war of rebellion led by Massasoit’s son Metacomet
(King Philip), the ship Seaflower set sail from New England with a ‘cargo’ of
Indigenous American slaves bound for the English Caribbean colonies.
The creation of the New England colonies by thousands of English colonists in the seventeenth century involved the rapid decline in the indigenous population, the violent seizure of territory and slavery. However, the 400-year anniversary commemorations in the UK seem to be overlooking this.
The Mayflower journey was part of
Early English Colonialism:
• The invasions of Virginia, New England and the Caribbean were accompanied by land seizure wars against the Indigenous peoples of North America
• The economic success of New England depended on trade with the slave colonies of the Caribbean, and included the trafficking of slaves
• The colonists established a pattern of ‘extravagant’ violence in the wars they conducted against Indigenous Nations that was continued for 300 years
• The establishment of a tradition of sanitizing the story of English colonialism in the Americas that has lasted 400 years
• The invasions of Virginia, New England and the Caribbean were accompanied by land seizure wars against the Indigenous peoples of North America
• The economic success of New England depended on trade with the slave colonies of the Caribbean, and included the trafficking of slaves
• The colonists established a pattern of ‘extravagant’ violence in the wars they conducted against Indigenous Nations that was continued for 300 years
• The establishment of a tradition of sanitizing the story of English colonialism in the Americas that has lasted 400 years
Danny Reilly is a support tutor
working in higher education and a volunteer ESOL teacher who has worked in a
voluntary capacity for several refugee support groups. He has been an
anti-racist activist for many years, a founder of the Campaign Against Racism
and Fascism and worked at the Institute of Race Relations from 1977 to 1993 as
information officer.
Steve Cushion is author of "The
Hidden History of the Cuban Revolution: How the Working Class Shaped the
Guerrillas’ Victory", "Killing Communists in Havana: The Start of the
Cold War in Latin America" and "Up Down Turn Around: The Political Economy
of Slavery and the Socialist case for Reparations". He is joint author,
with Dennis Bartholomew, of "By Our Own Hands: A People’s History of the
Grenadian Revolution". His current research is on German and Italian
volunteers who fought in the French Resistance.
Attendance to
this event is free of charge but registration is required.
=======================from London CND's upcoming events
- Free
CND public conference - open to all
- 10th
November, 9:30am-5pm
- Birkbeck University of London, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7HX

Sat 10 November 2018
09:30 – 17:00 GMT
Birkbeck University of London
Room B36, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HZ

Watch conference live at facebook.com/CNDuk
The Long Affray in the Nineteenth-Century East Midlands
A talk by Rosemary Muge
The terms ‘Long Affray’ and ‘Poaching Wars’ have been coined by historians to refer to the conflicts between poachers, particularly gangs of night poachers, and the gamekeepers and watchers employed by landowners. The Game Laws have been acknowledged as class-based, even by historians who would be reluctant to accept such a description. The passing of the 1831 Game Reform Act made the conflict even more clearly one between working-class people and the landed gentry. In Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Leicestershire, poaching was endemic. The talk focuses on the causes, patterns and effects of poaching in these counties.
Rosemary is a retired teacher (of Maths not History) who has recently completed a PhD in History at the University of Nottingham, after 7 years of research and writing up. Previously she completed an MA on Crime and Policing at The Open University. Her interest in the subject area arose from living in East Anglia for many years, an area where poaching was endemic; and from teaching in prisons for 7 years, which gave her an interest in crime and the people called ‘criminals’.
There will be tea. There might be biscuits. There won’t be pheasant.
Saturday 27th Oct 2pm at The Sparrows’ Nest, Nottingham.
Free event, venue wheelchair accessible.
Please email us for directions: sparrowsnestlibrary@gmail.com
Seminar - Workers in the Cuban Revolution
Tuesday October 23, 2018
6:30 PM – 9:00 PM BST
Marchmont Community Centre62 Marchmont Street, London WC1N 1AB
Steve Cushion, author of "The Hidden History of the Cuban Revolution", with our third talk in the [social history of revolutions] series, "Workers in the Cuban Revolution".
"To both its supporters and detractors, the Cuban Revolution is almost universally understood as having been won by a small band of guerrillas. This talk turns the conventional wisdom on its head, and argues that the Cuban working class played a much more decisive role in the Revolution’s outcome than previously understood. It contends that significant portions of the Cuban working class launched an underground movement in tandem with the guerrillas operating in the mountains.
"There was widespread working class militant activity, from illegal strikes and sabotage to armed conflict with the state, all of which culminated in two revolutionary workers’ congresses and the largest general strike in Cuban history. Cuban workers not only ensured the triumph of the Revolution, they went on to sustain it during its most difficult periods.
"Steve Cushion is a retired university lecturer living in East London. He is Branch Secretary of the University and College Union (UCU) London Retired Members’ Branch and is on the committees of the Socialist History Society and the Society for Caribbean Studies. He is also Secretary of Caribbean Labour Solidarity (CLS).
Steve is author of The Hidden History of the Cuban Revolution: How the Working Class Shaped the Guerrillas’ Victory, Killing Communists in Havana: The Start of the Cold War in Latin America and Up Down Turn Around: The Political Economy of Slavery and the Socialist case for Reparations. He is joint author, with Dennis Bartholomew, of By Our Own Hands: A People’s History of the Grenadian Revolution. His current research is on German and Italian volunteers who fought in the French Resistance."
From/At WCML
Participatory recordkeeping and the Rights in Records project
Thu 1 November 2018
13:00 – 14:00 GMT
Events Space, The National Archives
Bessant Drive [end of Ruskin Avenue]
Richmond TW9 4DU
Examples abound of the various ways in which people, families, organisations, and communities are disenfranchised from their records. Beyond their role as collections of cultural heritage artefacts or repositories of transactional evidence, our recordkeeping systems are patently not working for many. How can we design such systems so that they better serve all stakeholders in records?
In this seminar, Dr Gregory Rolan will discuss his research on the various conceptual models that inform a new design of participatory recordkeeping systems. He will discuss the application of these concepts in the 'Rights in Records by Design' project which is investigating the design of systems to support the recordkeeping rights of people who experience childhood out-of-home Care. These systems would enable children and young people in Care to have a greater say in their records, and Care-leavers to have greater control over the ongoing management, access, and use of their records.
Free but registration required.
From/At WCML
Working Class Movement Library
51 The Crescent
Salford, M5 4WX
The art of suffrage propaganda - talk by Elizabeth Crawford
On Friday 19 October at 6pm an illustrated talk will be
given by Elizabeth Crawford, author of many books and articles on suffrage
history, alongside our forthcomingsuffrage centenary exhibition. Elizabeth
will discuss the wide range of artworks – banners, posters, postcards, china,
jewellery etc – produced by suffrage artists in support of the women’s
suffrage campaign in the years before the First World War. The talk draws
on research undertaken for Elizabeth's latest book, Art and suffrage: a
biographical dictionary of suffrage artists.
This free talk is part of our Heritage Lottery Fund project Voting for change. There are
no advance tickets, so arrive early to be sure to get a place for what promises
to be a very popular event.
Invisible Histories talks series continues:
Wednesday 24 October 2pm Kirsten Harris Poetry for a new era:
Walt Whitman and British socialism, 1880-1914
Wednesday 7 November 2pm Martin Empson, Joseph Arch:
agricultural trade unionist and MP
The trodden worms, which had so long writhed under the iron heel
of the oppressor, were turning at last… The sore stricken, who had brooded in
sullen anger over their wrongs, were rising to strike in their turn."
February 2019 marks the centenary of the death of Joseph Arch. Arch was the leader of the first period of mass agricultural trade unionism in England in the 1870s, when the newly formed National Agricultural Labourers’ Union fought a series of major confrontations over pay and working conditions. The decline in agricultural trade unionism saw Arch focus on widening the electoral franchise and he was elected twice to parliament, becoming the first agricultural labourer to serve as an MP.
Martin Empson, author of 'Kill all the gentlemen': class struggle and change in the English countryside, will discuss the life and times of Joseph Arch, focusing on the struggles of those "trodden worms" whom he championed throughout his life. Material from the Library collection relevant to those struggles will also be on display.
February 2019 marks the centenary of the death of Joseph Arch. Arch was the leader of the first period of mass agricultural trade unionism in England in the 1870s, when the newly formed National Agricultural Labourers’ Union fought a series of major confrontations over pay and working conditions. The decline in agricultural trade unionism saw Arch focus on widening the electoral franchise and he was elected twice to parliament, becoming the first agricultural labourer to serve as an MP.
Martin Empson, author of 'Kill all the gentlemen': class struggle and change in the English countryside, will discuss the life and times of Joseph Arch, focusing on the struggles of those "trodden worms" whom he championed throughout his life. Material from the Library collection relevant to those struggles will also be on display.
Wednesday 21 November
2pm-4pm [NB a longer event than
usual] MaD Theatre
Scenes from the play It’s
the wrong way to tickle Mary
To coincide with the Library’s
current suffrage centenary exhibition, the Delaney Theatre
Group invite you on a funny and poignant journey through the north
west’s rich cultural history to the time of the suffragettes and the First
World War.
This event will feature selected
scenes from MaD Theatre Company’s new play, It’s the wrong
way to tickle Mary, which premièred at Salford’s Lowry Theatre last
month. MaD writer/directors Rob Lees and Jill Hughes will then join cast
members to discuss their experience of creating and staging the play in an
audience-led Q & A session.
It’s the wrong way to tickle Mary is
part of an Arts and Humanities Research Council and John Fell Fund-funded
partnership involving the University of Oxford, MaD Theatre Company, Charlotte
Delaney, the Guinness Partnership, Salford Women’s Aid and the Working Class
Movement Library.
Wednesday 5 December 2pm
Ali Ronan. The women who said yes.
Ali Ronan. The women who said yes.
What do we know about the seventeen women who stood
for Parliament in the general election of December 1918? They ranged from
an anti-suffrage woman, Violet Markham, to a long-standing suffrage activist, EmmelinePethick Lawrence (who stood as Labour candidate for Rusholme), to Norah DacreFox, a former suffragette and a fascist sympathiser. Come and find out
Forward, sister women! PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE:
PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE - now Thursday 22 November (previously 15 Nov. Really sorry if this unavoidable late change means you can't now make it...).
On Thursday 22 November at 6pm WCML welcome community arts organisation Enjoy Arts and students from St Ambrose Barlow school in Swinton, sharing creative reflections on the women’s suffrage movement in relation to contemporary female activism. Join us for tea and cake at 6pm, with the performance starting at 6.30pm.
On Thursday 22 November at 6pm WCML welcome community arts organisation Enjoy Arts and students from St Ambrose Barlow school in Swinton, sharing creative reflections on the women’s suffrage movement in relation to contemporary female activism. Join us for tea and cake at 6pm, with the performance starting at 6.30pm.
This event is part of our Heritage Lottery Fund project Voting for change, and runs alongside our current exhibition Votes for women... or votes for ladies? which is on until Thursday 24 January. This celebrates women achieving the first step toward equal voting rights with men after decades of struggle, and features many items purchased as part of the Voting for change project.
Commemorating the centenary of suffrage in Wigan
On Thursday 22 November from 10am to 5.30pm at the Museum of Wigan Life a full day of
speakers, including Helen Pankhurst (grand-daughter of Sylvia), will celebrate
the centenary of women over the age of 30 voting for the first time.
Tickets price £12 for Wigan residents and £15
for others, including lunch, are now on sale. For more information or to
book contact the Museum of Wigan Life on 01942 828128 or email wiganmuseum@wigan.gov.uk.
Additional notifications from WCML
Memorial Lecture
We don't normally flag up events in London but on Wednesday 28 November at 7pm
at the Marx Memorial Library, 37A Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R 0DU we are
pleased to present the inaugural annual Engels Memorial Lecture, organised
jointly by the Marx Memorial Library and ourselves.
This joint endeavour will examine Engels, his work, and broader themes
associated with his ideas and influence. The yearly event will alternate
between the two libraries. Professor Terrell Carver will deliver the inaugural
lecture, Engels before Marx, at the Marx Memorial Library.
Tickets price £5 (£3 concessions) are available in advance here.
The Library
has white poppies on sale to visitors (though they are disappearing fast...).
The Peace Pledge Union has been distributing white poppies for peace since
1934. The white poppy remains a symbol of grief for everyone who has been
harmed by war but also a symbol of determination to work to abolish war.
Proceeds from sales of the poppies will go to the Peace Pledge Union.
A date for your 2019 diaries
The Library is planning another Radical Readings fundraiser, to take place on
the afternoon of Sunday 14 April next year. Unsurprisingly, the theme
will be Peterloo. Watch this space for details about tickets going on
sale early in 2019 - e-bulletin subscribers will be the first to hear...
Nae Pasaran!
In 1974 workers at the Rolls Royce factory in Glasgow showed
their support for the people of Chile by refusing to carry out inspections of
engines for fighter planes which were being used by the military against the
people. The boycott endured for four years but the workers never knew what
impact they had; it was a matter of conscience and an act of solidarity against
General Pinochet’s brutal dictatorship. Forty years later, the film Nae
Pasaran reunites Bob Fulton, Robert Sommerville, John Keenan and Stuart
Barrie to hear their story.
Nae Pasaran is being screened at Home in Manchester on Sunday 11
November at 6.10pm.
More details and ticket bookings here.
Radical Locks
Through a series of workshops in
various locations around Tameside, women of all ages, backgrounds and
ethnicities are working together with artist Lynn Setterington to create a
shared tactile cloth. The hand-sewn artwork also pays homage to local
suffragette and working class hero Hannah Mitchell.
For more information contact Tracy Webster on 0161 342 4144 or email tracy.webster@tameside.gov.uk, or come to the open workshops at Portland Basin
Museum every second and fourth Wednesday 1-3pm.
Remembering Resistance project
Remembering Resistance: a Century of Women’s Protest in the North
of England is a new project from researchers at Lancaster University
that aims to bring to life the history of women’s protest.
Funded by the Heritage Lottery
Fund, Remembering Resistance will create a permanent archive
of women’s activism to inspire future generations. There will be a chance
to find out more about the project at next March's International Women's Day
event at WCML - watch this space for further details.
To ensure that the voices of women who have been involved in protest are
preserved, the project is gathering oral histories and archival accounts from
women who have been active in protest or political campaigning, past and
present. If you’ve been involved in protest or campaigning and want to share
your experiences, they would love to hear from you.
To learn more about the project, including how to be an interviewee or to train
as a citizen researcher, get in touch with Sarah Marsden at s.marsden@lancaster.ac.uk. You can learn more at www.rememberingresistance.com, and follow the project on
Twitter @rememberresist.
Thing - play
about conscientious objectors
1916: Bert Brocklesby is a schoolteacher and preacher at his Methodist chapel;
Bertrand Russell is one of the greatest philosophers of his time. With the
advent of military conscription their worlds are about to be turned upside
down. Telling the story of Britain's WW1 conscientious objectors, This
Evil Thing, a one-man show wroiten and performed by Michael Mears, will be
at Cross Street Unitarian Chapel, Cross Street, Manchester M2 1NL on Friday
30 November at 7.30pm. It will be followed by a Q & A session
Tickets price £7 (£6 concessions) via www.trybooking.co.uk/GRY or www.trybooking.co.uk/4522,
or on the door.
Talk at the National Archives
On the 100th
anniversary of women getting the vote, Helen Pankhurst -
great-granddaughter of suffragette leader Emmeline Pankhurst and a leading
women’s rights campaigner herself - charts how women’s lives have changed over
the last century, offering a powerful and positive argument for the way
forward. Wed 10 October 2018 18:30 – 20:00 BST
The National Archives
Bessant Dr
Kew TW9 4DU
Other suffrage
Head over to our
Suffrage 100 portal to find out what else we’ve got coming up:
Tickets price £12 for Wigan residents and £15
for others, including lunch, are now on sale. For more information or to
book contact the Museum of Wigan Life on 01942 828128 or email wiganmuseum@wigan.gov.uk.
Additional notifications from WCML
Memorial Lecture
We don't normally flag up events in London but on Wednesday 28 November at 7pm at the Marx Memorial Library, 37A Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R 0DU we are pleased to present the inaugural annual Engels Memorial Lecture, organised jointly by the Marx Memorial Library and ourselves.
This joint endeavour will examine Engels, his work, and broader themes associated with his ideas and influence. The yearly event will alternate between the two libraries. Professor Terrell Carver will deliver the inaugural lecture, Engels before Marx, at the Marx Memorial Library.
Tickets price £5 (£3 concessions) are available in advance here.
We don't normally flag up events in London but on Wednesday 28 November at 7pm at the Marx Memorial Library, 37A Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R 0DU we are pleased to present the inaugural annual Engels Memorial Lecture, organised jointly by the Marx Memorial Library and ourselves.
This joint endeavour will examine Engels, his work, and broader themes associated with his ideas and influence. The yearly event will alternate between the two libraries. Professor Terrell Carver will deliver the inaugural lecture, Engels before Marx, at the Marx Memorial Library.
Tickets price £5 (£3 concessions) are available in advance here.
The Library
has white poppies on sale to visitors (though they are disappearing fast...).
The Peace Pledge Union has been distributing white poppies for peace since 1934. The white poppy remains a symbol of grief for everyone who has been harmed by war but also a symbol of determination to work to abolish war. Proceeds from sales of the poppies will go to the Peace Pledge Union.
A date for your 2019 diaries
The Library is planning another Radical Readings fundraiser, to take place on the afternoon of Sunday 14 April next year. Unsurprisingly, the theme will be Peterloo. Watch this space for details about tickets going on sale early in 2019 - e-bulletin subscribers will be the first to hear...
Nae Pasaran!
The Peace Pledge Union has been distributing white poppies for peace since 1934. The white poppy remains a symbol of grief for everyone who has been harmed by war but also a symbol of determination to work to abolish war. Proceeds from sales of the poppies will go to the Peace Pledge Union.
A date for your 2019 diaries
The Library is planning another Radical Readings fundraiser, to take place on the afternoon of Sunday 14 April next year. Unsurprisingly, the theme will be Peterloo. Watch this space for details about tickets going on sale early in 2019 - e-bulletin subscribers will be the first to hear...
Nae Pasaran!
In 1974 workers at the Rolls Royce factory in Glasgow showed
their support for the people of Chile by refusing to carry out inspections of
engines for fighter planes which were being used by the military against the
people. The boycott endured for four years but the workers never knew what
impact they had; it was a matter of conscience and an act of solidarity against
General Pinochet’s brutal dictatorship. Forty years later, the film Nae
Pasaran reunites Bob Fulton, Robert Sommerville, John Keenan and Stuart
Barrie to hear their story.
Nae Pasaran is being screened at Home in Manchester on Sunday 11 November at 6.10pm.
Nae Pasaran is being screened at Home in Manchester on Sunday 11 November at 6.10pm.
More details and ticket bookings here.
Radical Locks
Through a series of workshops in
various locations around Tameside, women of all ages, backgrounds and
ethnicities are working together with artist Lynn Setterington to create a
shared tactile cloth. The hand-sewn artwork also pays homage to local
suffragette and working class hero Hannah Mitchell.
For more information contact Tracy Webster on 0161 342 4144 or email tracy.webster@tameside.gov.uk, or come to the open workshops at Portland Basin Museum every second and fourth Wednesday 1-3pm.
For more information contact Tracy Webster on 0161 342 4144 or email tracy.webster@tameside.gov.uk, or come to the open workshops at Portland Basin Museum every second and fourth Wednesday 1-3pm.
Remembering Resistance project
Remembering Resistance: a Century of Women’s Protest in the North
of England is a new project from researchers at Lancaster University
that aims to bring to life the history of women’s protest.
Funded by the Heritage Lottery
Fund, Remembering Resistance will create a permanent archive
of women’s activism to inspire future generations. There will be a chance
to find out more about the project at next March's International Women's Day
event at WCML - watch this space for further details.
To ensure that the voices of women who have been involved in protest are preserved, the project is gathering oral histories and archival accounts from women who have been active in protest or political campaigning, past and present. If you’ve been involved in protest or campaigning and want to share your experiences, they would love to hear from you.
To learn more about the project, including how to be an interviewee or to train as a citizen researcher, get in touch with Sarah Marsden at s.marsden@lancaster.ac.uk. You can learn more at www.rememberingresistance.com, and follow the project on Twitter @rememberresist.
To ensure that the voices of women who have been involved in protest are preserved, the project is gathering oral histories and archival accounts from women who have been active in protest or political campaigning, past and present. If you’ve been involved in protest or campaigning and want to share your experiences, they would love to hear from you.
To learn more about the project, including how to be an interviewee or to train as a citizen researcher, get in touch with Sarah Marsden at s.marsden@lancaster.ac.uk. You can learn more at www.rememberingresistance.com, and follow the project on Twitter @rememberresist.
Thing - play
about conscientious objectors
1916: Bert Brocklesby is a schoolteacher and preacher at his Methodist chapel;
Bertrand Russell is one of the greatest philosophers of his time. With the
advent of military conscription their worlds are about to be turned upside
down. Telling the story of Britain's WW1 conscientious objectors, This
Evil Thing, a one-man show wroiten and performed by Michael Mears, will be
at Cross Street Unitarian Chapel, Cross Street, Manchester M2 1NL on Friday
30 November at 7.30pm. It will be followed by a Q & A session
Tickets price £7 (£6 concessions) via www.trybooking.co.uk/GRY or www.trybooking.co.uk/4522,
Tickets price £7 (£6 concessions) via www.trybooking.co.uk/GRY or www.trybooking.co.uk/4522,
or on the door.
Talk at the National Archives
On the 100th
anniversary of women getting the vote, Helen Pankhurst -
great-granddaughter of suffragette leader Emmeline Pankhurst and a leading
women’s rights campaigner herself - charts how women’s lives have changed over
the last century, offering a powerful and positive argument for the way
forward. Wed 10 October 2018 18:30 – 20:00 BST
The National Archives
Bessant Dr
Kew TW9 4DU
Other suffrage
Head over to our
Suffrage 100 portal to find out what else we’ve got coming up:
The inuagural Christopher Hill Memorial
Lecture - Saturday 3 November, National Civil War Centre, Newark Museum -
facebook details here: https://www.facebook.com/events/540752469730850/
The inuagural Christopher Hill Memorial
Lecture - Saturday 3 November, National Civil War Centre, Newark Museum -
facebook details here: https://www.facebook.com/events/540752469730850/
George Lansbury Memorial Lecture 2018
George Lansbury Memorial
Lecture on ‘The Legacy of the Struggle for Women’s Suffrage’ by Rachel Reeves
MP might be of interest.
lecture will be at 6.30pm on 22 November 2018 in the Skeel Lecture Theatre at
Queen Mary University of London.
If you would like to attend then full details
can be found and attendance can be booked at:
George Lansbury Memorial
Lecture on ‘The Legacy of the Struggle for Women’s Suffrage’ by Rachel Reeves
MP might be of interest.
lecture will be at 6.30pm on 22 November 2018 in the Skeel Lecture Theatre at
Queen Mary University of London.If you would like to attend then full details can be found and attendance can be booked at:
Springfield 30 April 2019
Why Here? The world’s
first nuclear fuel manufacturing plant, based in a small village near Preston,
carries out civil and military nuclear contracts for facilities across the UK:
Production of nuclear fuel
Storage and processing of waste (including Uranium Hexafluoride DUF6)
Decommissioning of plant and facilities
Through the gates of
the Springfields plant pass a deadly cargo of materials which have fuelled
nuclear bombs, nuclear reactors and nuclear accidents for over 70 years. These
materials pose a radiological and chemical threat to human health and to the
Why Now? The
Government is still pressing forward with its policy of new nuclear power,
despite delays, spiralling costs and even bankruptcy of the major players.
Springfields would play a pivotal role in supplying these and processing the
waste material.
The hunt for a Geological Disposal Facility (long term radioactive waste dump)
is back on nationwide, with communities in Cumbria being targetted to
‘volunteer’ their back yard for this short sighted ‘solution’ to an intractable
Radioactive material is transported to
and from this site nationally and internationally via road and rail. We are
inviting you to take this same journey to join us in the dirty core of the UK
nuclear industry for a day of protest, information sharing and solidarity.
We plan to surround the site with people dressed as nuclear waste barrels – a
record breaking attempt!
Why Here? The world’s
first nuclear fuel manufacturing plant, based in a small village near Preston,
carries out civil and military nuclear contracts for facilities across the UK:
Production of nuclear fuel
Storage and processing of waste (including Uranium Hexafluoride DUF6)
Decommissioning of plant and facilities
Decommissioning of plant and facilities
Through the gates of
the Springfields plant pass a deadly cargo of materials which have fuelled
nuclear bombs, nuclear reactors and nuclear accidents for over 70 years. These
materials pose a radiological and chemical threat to human health and to the
Why Now? The
Government is still pressing forward with its policy of new nuclear power,
despite delays, spiralling costs and even bankruptcy of the major players.
Springfields would play a pivotal role in supplying these and processing the
waste material.
The hunt for a Geological Disposal Facility (long term radioactive waste dump) is back on nationwide, with communities in Cumbria being targetted to ‘volunteer’ their back yard for this short sighted ‘solution’ to an intractable problem.
The hunt for a Geological Disposal Facility (long term radioactive waste dump) is back on nationwide, with communities in Cumbria being targetted to ‘volunteer’ their back yard for this short sighted ‘solution’ to an intractable problem.
Radioactive material is transported to
and from this site nationally and internationally via road and rail. We are
inviting you to take this same journey to join us in the dirty core of the UK
nuclear industry for a day of protest, information sharing and solidarity.
We plan to surround the site with people dressed as nuclear waste barrels – a record breaking attempt!
Labour's First Hundred Days
"It is possible that the next General Election could lead to a Corbyn-led
Labour Government.
Network, members of Unite and others are putting on a day school asking
"What would happen in the first 100 Days
of the new government? What would we need to do?"
YOU DIARY. It will be on Saturday
17th November at Unite in London.
More information to follow. iwceducation@yahoo.co.uk
Corbyn's first 100 days
"It is an intriguing thought isn't it.
What would the first three months of a Corbyn-led Labour government look (and feel) like?"
Saturday 17th November. 10.30 - 3.30
at Unite the Union, Moreland Street, London (near the Angel Tube)
£5.00 - pay on the day (includes lunch)
"If Labour wins the coming General Election what will we need to do to secure that victory?
How will we support Labour's enthusiastic supporters and limit the influence of Labour's entrenched and dangerous enemies?
We need your ideas!"
This Day school is organised by Independent Working Class Education, and Ella Baker School and supported by Unite the Union. All are welcome.Sessions will include:
- What do we want to happen?
- Our aspirations. How do we fight for them?
- What are our powerful opponents thinking now and what will they try and do?
- Shaking the Magic Money Tree?
- Does Jeremy have a Magic Wand?
- Organising in the Workplace and Community.
Interested? Sign up here
From Sparrows' Nest
People's Histreh have just announced that the audio recordings of the event remembering the 1968 Revolts as well as the pamphlet produced after the event are now available!
Remembering the 1968 Revolts - Voices from Nottingham
By Julian Atkinson, Jill Westby, Ruth Tanner, Val Wood, Tina Pamplin & Mike Hamlin
Edited and with an introduction by Valentine Yarnspinner.
Loaf On A Stick Press, Nottingham 2018, pamphlet, 52 pages.
The pamphlet will be on sale at the Second Nottingham Radical Bookfair at the Nottingham Mechanics Institute, this Saturday 17th November from 10:30am-5pm, organised by Five Leaves Bookshop.
We will be having a stall at the bookfair, fundraising on the day by selling off multiple copies of classic pamphlets and newspapers from the Sparrows' Nest vaults.
Hope to see you there!
Best wishes
A Sparrow
If you wish to contact the Sparrows' Nest please email: info@thesparrowsnest.org.uk
From Medact
"Immigration detention: Get informed and take action"
Tuesday 16th October, 6pm @ University Place Lecture Theatre A, Manchester M16
Join Staff and students at the University of Manchester, Medact Manchester, Manchester Postcolonial Studies Group and These Walls Must Fall to discuss immigration detention and look at what we can do on and off campus to take action.
For more details see https://www.facebook.com/events/2135788096747998/
"Our Nuclear Age - Hope For The Future" Film Evening
Thursday 18th October, 7.30pm @ Jesmond United Reformed Church, Burdon Terrace, Jesmond, Newcastle, NE2 3AE
A film evening organised by Medact Tyneside. Entrance will be £5 (concessions £3).
Marx @200, Sun 14 October, London
Chadswell Healthy Living Centre Lower Ground Floor
Chadswell Harrison Street WC1H 8JF
Updates and new items will be added as they come in.
"It is possible that the next General Election could lead to a Corbyn-led
Labour Government.
Network, members of Unite and others are putting on a day school asking
"What would happen in the first 100 Days
of the new government? What would we need to do?"
YOU DIARY. It will be on Saturday
17th November at Unite in London.
More information to follow. iwceducation@yahoo.co.uk
Corbyn's first 100 days
"It is an intriguing thought isn't it.
What would the first three months of a Corbyn-led Labour government look (and feel) like?"
Saturday 17th November. 10.30 - 3.30
at Unite the Union, Moreland Street, London (near the Angel Tube)
£5.00 - pay on the day (includes lunch)
"If Labour wins the coming General Election what will we need to do to secure that victory?
How will we support Labour's enthusiastic supporters and limit the influence of Labour's entrenched and dangerous enemies?
We need your ideas!"
This Day school is organised by Independent Working Class Education, and Ella Baker School and supported by Unite the Union. All are welcome.Sessions will include:
We need your ideas!"
This Day school is organised by Independent Working Class Education, and Ella Baker School and supported by Unite the Union. All are welcome.Sessions will include:
- What do we want to happen?
- Our aspirations. How do we fight for them?
- What are our powerful opponents thinking now and what will they try and do?
- Shaking the Magic Money Tree?
- Does Jeremy have a Magic Wand?
- Organising in the Workplace and Community.
From Sparrows' Nest
People's Histreh have just announced that the audio recordings of the event remembering the 1968 Revolts as well as the pamphlet produced after the event are now available!
Remembering the 1968 Revolts - Voices from Nottingham
By Julian Atkinson, Jill Westby, Ruth Tanner, Val Wood, Tina Pamplin & Mike Hamlin
Edited and with an introduction by Valentine Yarnspinner.
By Julian Atkinson, Jill Westby, Ruth Tanner, Val Wood, Tina Pamplin & Mike Hamlin
Edited and with an introduction by Valentine Yarnspinner.
Loaf On A Stick Press, Nottingham 2018, pamphlet, 52 pages.
Loaf On A Stick Press, Nottingham 2018, pamphlet, 52 pages.
The pamphlet will be on sale at the Second Nottingham Radical Bookfair at the Nottingham Mechanics Institute, this Saturday 17th November from 10:30am-5pm, organised by Five Leaves Bookshop.
We will be having a stall at the bookfair, fundraising on the day by selling off multiple copies of classic pamphlets and newspapers from the Sparrows' Nest vaults.
Hope to see you there!
Best wishes
A Sparrow
If you wish to contact the Sparrows' Nest please email: info@thesparrowsnest.org.uk
From Medact
"Immigration detention: Get informed and take action"
Tuesday 16th October, 6pm @ University Place Lecture Theatre A, Manchester M16
Join Staff and students at the University of Manchester, Medact Manchester, Manchester Postcolonial Studies Group and These Walls Must Fall to discuss immigration detention and look at what we can do on and off campus to take action.
For more details see https://www.facebook.com/events/2135788096747998/
"Our Nuclear Age - Hope For The Future" Film Evening
Thursday 18th October, 7.30pm @ Jesmond United Reformed Church, Burdon Terrace, Jesmond, Newcastle, NE2 3AE
A film evening organised by Medact Tyneside. Entrance will be £5 (concessions £3).
Marx @200, Sun 14 October, London
Chadswell Healthy Living Centre Lower Ground Floor
Chadswell Harrison Street WC1H 8JF
Updates and new items will be added as they come in.