Guest Blogpost by Tessa Trabue, Let Toys Be Toys Campaigner
"A Long History...
Among the texts denounced and attitudes demolished by Mary
Wollstonecraft (“Writers Who Have Rendered Women Objects of Pity”, ch.5 of
VRW*), is this from Jean-Jacques Rousseau, quoted on p.178 of the Penguin
Classic edition: “Boys love sports of noise and activity; to beat the drum, to
whip the top, and to drag about their little carts: girls, on the other hand,
are fonder of things of show and ornament, such as mirrors, trinkets, and
dolls: the doll is the peculiar amusement of the females; from whence we see
their taste plainly adapted to their destination...” (Emile, 1762).
Mary, by contrast, contended that “a girl, whose spirits have not been
damped by inactivity, or innocence tainted by false shame, will always be a
romp.” She was clear about the tendency of Rousseau’s ideas: “To render [the
person of a young woman] weak, and what some may call beautiful, the
understanding is neglected, and girls forced to sit still, play with dolls, and
listen to foolish conversations; - the effect of habit is insisted upon as an
undoubted indication of nature.” (p.179 in same).
British women have fought for and made many gains over the
last two centuries, including the right to vote, access to equal education, and
in the workplace, the freedom to apply for all kinds of jobs (although the pay
gap remains an ongoing issue). However, when we see the way that many toys are
being manufactured and sold to children throughout the UK today, one might be
forgiven for thinking that we were living in much more restrictive times. Toys
that develop creative, caring, and indeed home-making skills, such as dolls,
buggies, irons, play houses and kitchens, are often manufactured in pink and described
as being for girls, whereas action, construction, vehicles and science toys
(and sometimes even traditional games and puzzles) are marketed to boys. (Sometimes
shops only have a sign for 'girls' toys; the inference we could take from this
is that everything else is for boys).
This trend towards separate, gendered toys is very worrying.
Don't boys grow up to become dads, teachers, nurses, chefs and
hairdressers? Don't girls become
scientists, architects, pilots, and drivers? Children learn through play; how
will they be able to access unlimited creative play, the fun role playing that
might also help inform their future career choices, when so many types of toys
are being cut off from them purely because of their gender?
Fortunately, there is a campaign that is addressing these very issues. Let Toys Be Toys is a social media campaign that formed a year ago off a Mumsnet discussion thread, made up of frustrated parents who were tired of seeing their children being sold these restrictive stereotypes, and decided to do something about it. The group uses a combination of tactics to contact UK and Irish retailers and ask them to remove ‘Boys’ and ‘Girls’ signs from their toy displays, including Facebook posts, tweets, meeting with the retailers themselves and old-fashioned letter writing.
The campaign has had huge success over the last year in
getting 12
major retailers to agree to take down the gendered toy signs in their toy
departments and let children decide for themselves what they would like to play
One of the group's first successes was Boots. In April 2013, a shopper tweeted a picture of an in-store display showing a 'Boys' sign over their display of toys from the Science Museum. The picture was retweeted many times, causing outrage, and was picked up by the campaign, who contacted both Boots and the Science Museum. Eventually Boots replied and was very apologetic in their response, stating that they had "...always been proud of supporting women in science and in particular in their careers in pharmacy... It was never our intention to stereotype certain toys. It's clear we have got this signage wrong, and we're taking immediate steps to remove it from store."
In the following month, members of the campaign met with
senior management from the Entertainer toy store. This retailer had been
criticised for having some of the most blatant gender segregating signage, with
their stores being divided in half with huge pink ‘Girls’ and blue ‘Boys’ signs
(often accompanied with a photograph of girl or a boy on the sign), and in some
outlets this gender divide was further emphasised on the floor, with pink/blue
carpet reinforcing the separation. The campaign received many pictures from
supporters highlighting the ridiculousness of dividing the toys by gender; for
example, in some Entertainer stores, all games, puzzles, science toys, costumes
(including princess dresses), musical instruments and bath toys were under
large ‘Boys’ signs, while all Teletubbies toys, arts and crafts items including
crayons and modelling clay, and soft toys were under ‘Girls’ signs. (Some
examples of the old signage can be see in the photos here). The
senior management was very receptive to the campaigners’ and supporters'
feedback. They agreed to get rid of the gendered signs, and are introducing new
signs in their stores, with categories such as ‘Arts and Crafts’, ‘Construction
Toys’, ‘Games and Puzzles’, and ‘Imagine and Play’, sometimes accompanied with
photos depicting a boy and girl together.
Let Toy Be Toys’ successes have continued throughout the
rest of 2013, with other major retailers such Toys R Us, and most recently,
Debenhams, agreeing to phase out the gendered signs from their stores and replace
with signs based on age or theme. The campaign also won the Progressive
Preschool Marketing Award 2013 for their impact on sexism in the toy industry.
In addition to publicising and calling for change in
problematic stores, Let Toys Be Toys also wants to promote shops and online
retailers who are selling toys, books and sports equipment in a gender
inclusive way. The campaign launched its ‘Toymark’ scheme in October, which
awards retailers displaying good practice and labelling items by age or theme
with the Toymark badge, and promotes these retailers on the Let Toys Be Toys
website and on social media. So far, only a handful of
retailers have achieved Toymark status and received this award, including
Letterbox Library for their fantastic selection of inclusive books for children
(see here
for their news for the upcoming The Little Rebels Children's Book Award for
Radical Fiction).

The campaign relies on help from its large numbers of
supporters, and there are many ways to get involved. You can become a 'mystery
shopper' by taking pictures of sexist toys displays and tweeting them both to the
@LetToysBeToys and the retailer's twitter addresses. This often brings rapid
results (using the #NotBuyingIt hashtag often produces a quick response as
well). Similarly, posting pictures of displays or toys to the Let Toys Be Toys
Facebook page ( is a good way both to
publicise the issue and generate more in-depth conversation about it. For those
who wish to remain anonymous or do not use social media, you can email pictures
or general concerns to the campaigners at
Let Toys Be Toys receives no funding apart from donations
from our supporters, and is run by
volunteers in their spare time. Contributions are gratefully received - no
amount too small! If you would like to
help by giving a small donation, say the price of a cup of coffee, please see
our Donate page for more details:
Finally, if you are interested in getting involved as a
volunteer, please email us at
Campaigners against gender
stereotyping in childhood:
Tessa with street-art portrait
of Mary W., N E London 2013